Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Listen until it's over
Atan saw his father's car through the playground and entered a bush. Wanting to know, he went with the car and saw his Dad and Aunt Junaidah embraced warmly. At least she found this a warm and impatient news kept her running home to tell her mother,

"Mak, I was in the game and saw Dad's car in the bush with Aunt Junaidah, I went close and saw Daddy kissed Aunt, then Daddy opened his shirt. Ms. Junaidah ........ "
At this time, Mak had interrupted and said,

"Atan, this is a great story and it's hot, let's just keep it for us to spend our dinner here. I want to see what your father's Atan's story is about."

At dinner time, Mom asked Atan to start the story. Atan started talking.

"Mak Mak, I was in the game and saw Dad's car in the bush with Aunt Junaidah, I went close and saw Dad really kissing Aunt, then Daddy opened his shirt. Aunt Junaidah and Dad do the same as Mak and Mrs. Osman always do the old work Father's work. "

The Muppets are helpless ........

Sometimes we need and have to listen to a story until it finishes ...

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