Thursday, July 27, 2017

Funny Stories - Skirts are tight

Skirts are tight

A sexy and beautiful girl interspersed with a tight skirt
Knee separation and a long sleeve blouse is standing
At a bus stop. At that time many people were fulfilling
The cottage.

When the bus arrives, the girl experiences difficulty for
Climbing the deck bus stairs because of its tight skirt.

After thinking a moment he finally decided to
Opened a little zip skirt, but still failed and he dropped
A bit more zip but still hard, he finally opens
Overall zip skirt because there is nothing to worry about
Because his shirt was inserted into the skirt ... but he was still
Failed to climb the bus stairs, while many people were queuing up
Behind it.

The woman has come to an end, when she thinks suddenly
She feels there is a hand pushing her back up the bus stairs, she
Look and find the guy behind him doing the act
That is.

With a loud voice she scolded the man "I'm grateful
My back? Itchy! "

The man replied "I'm itching too ... that goes zip
My pants three times why? "

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