Thursday, July 27, 2017

Funny Stories - Skirts are tight

Skirts are tight

A sexy and beautiful girl interspersed with a tight skirt
Knee separation and a long sleeve blouse is standing
At a bus stop. At that time many people were fulfilling
The cottage.

When the bus arrives, the girl experiences difficulty for
Climbing the deck bus stairs because of its tight skirt.

After thinking a moment he finally decided to
Opened a little zip skirt, but still failed and he dropped
A bit more zip but still hard, he finally opens
Overall zip skirt because there is nothing to worry about
Because his shirt was inserted into the skirt ... but he was still
Failed to climb the bus stairs, while many people were queuing up
Behind it.

The woman has come to an end, when she thinks suddenly
She feels there is a hand pushing her back up the bus stairs, she
Look and find the guy behind him doing the act
That is.

With a loud voice she scolded the man "I'm grateful
My back? Itchy! "

The man replied "I'm itching too ... that goes zip
My pants three times why? "

Funny stories -Mathematics vs. Logic

Mathematics vs. Logic

There are two beautiful girls. One of them thinks
Mathematics (M) and the other way of thinking using Logic (L).
They both walked home through a dark street, and the distance from home
They are still quite far away. After a while they walked, suddenly
They noticed someone was following them ...

M: You notice that no man is walking along
Have we been about thirty eight minutes ago? I'm worried
He meant evil.

L: That's Logical. I think he wants to rap us.

M: Oops, with our speed running like this, within 15 minutes
Minutes he will catch us. Well, what should we do ?.

L: There's only one logical way we have to do, which is to walk more

M: It does not help much, it's a macammana.

L: Definitely not helpful, It's logical if we run faster
He will also run faster.

M: So, what should we do? With our speed like this
He'll catch us in two minutes and a half more ...

L: There's only one logical step we have to do .. You go on the road
Left and I'm on the right path.

After the girls broke apart. It turned out that the man was following the steps
The girl who uses logical (L). Mathematical girl (M) arrived at home
First and he worries about the safety of his friends.

No matter how long the Logic Girl (L) comes.

M: Oh Thank God ya Allaaaaah .. My friend arrives safely, Eh come on
The story you got involved with this guy?

L: Yelah, After we parted he kept following me.

M: Yes .. yes .. But what happens then with you?

L: In my logic, I keep my heart and soul running
Run as hard as you can.

M: And ... and ..

L: As with logic, he managed to approach me in a dark place ...

M: Jadik .. What are you doing?

L: There is only one logic I can do, ie lifting the cloth
I was tall enough to look at the underwear.

M: Nope ... what's the man doing?

L: Compatible with logic ... He goes to the belt, zip and hang out
Her pants ...

M: Nope ... so what happened?

L: Logic is not, if the girl who raises her cloth is faster
From the man who ran while his pants were left, my big step,
But he's like the one who entered the game in the sack ... So finally
I missed that guy.

M: Ha ha ha ha It's logical.

funny stories - Monkey Full Pickup Truck

Monkey Full Pickup Truck

Funny Stories

A police officer saw a man driving around with a monkey full pickup truck. He stopped the man and said: "You can not drive around with the monkeys in this city! Bring them to the zoo right away."

The man said OK, and drove away.

The next day, the man who saw the man still drove around with a truck full of monkeys, and they all wore sunglasses.

He stopped the man and demanded: "I think I told you to bring this monkey to the zoo yesterday?"

The man replied: "I do ... today I want to take them to 





Kadang-kadang gegaran datang dari engine kerana ia tak dapat cukup pembakaran, minyak dan udara untuk engine tersebut berfungsi dengan baik. Tanda-tanda masalah gegar dari engine :

Kadang-kadang kereta akan "sentap",

Gegar berkala ketika memandu, sekejap ada gegar, sekejap takde dan seterusnya

Mula mula bawak memandu ok, lepas tu je baru mula bergegar



Ini mungkin tanda kereta perlukan spark plug baru. Kalau spark plug masih ok, kena cek cable plug, adakah ia disambung betul atau tidak atau perlukah tukar baru. Kalau bukan, mungkin air filter atau fuel filter kotor. Air filter kotor menyebabkan udara tak cukup sampai ke engine dan fuel filter tersumbat menyebabkan minyak kurang sampai ke engine. Sila bersihkan/tukar air filter mengikut jadual dan begitu juga fuel filter.

Boleh jadi juga engine bergegar kerana kipas radiator pecah/rosak. Ia masih berpusing tapi tak serata. Maka ia boleh menyebabkan kereta rasa bergegar dari kanan ke kiri dan sebaliknya.


Bagaimana kalau engine bergegar sewaktu berhenti/idle?

Biasanya ramai yang menasihatkan supaya tukar engine mounting. Ada kalanya ia betul, tetapi tak kurang juga kes, selepas tukar mounting, masih bergegar lagi. Mengapa ia terjadi?

Sebelum anda tukar mounting, pastikan engine anda berfungsi dengan baik. boleh jadi satu silinder tak berfungsi dengan baik, ada vacuum leak, throtle body atau engine bermasalah (ada yang menyangka throttle body bermasalah, dah cuci pun masih tak ok), kipas radiator rosak, masalah berkaitan fuel injection dan sebagainya. InsyaAllah masalah engine bergegar ketika idle (berhenti) kita akan cover di artikel lain.



Kalau AXLE/DRIVESHAFT bengkok disebabkan pelanggaran, kemalangan, termasuk lubang dan seumpamanya, kereta akan bergegar, dan lagi laju lagi kuat gegaran kerana tugas kompoenen tersebut adalah memindahkan tenaga dari engine ke tayar.



Jika gegaran terjadi waktu brake, boleh jadi ia disebabkan oleh BRAKE DISC (brake rotor) yang bengok, atau tak sekata permukaannya. Mungkin ia perlu di skim atau ditukar.

Jika kereta bergegar pada kelajuan tertentu dan selepas itu terus bergegar kuat dan ada bau hangit seperti tayar terbakar, kemungkinan brake caliper melekat.



Jika getaran dapat dirasakan sehingga ke steering, boleh jadi ia disebabkan rim dah bengkok, bearing perlu ditukar, tie rod end perlu ditukar atau bahagian komponen suspension lain. Biasanya tiada jadual berkala untuk perkara seperti ini...bergantung kepada pengunaan kerata, pemanduan, keadaan jalan dan sebagainya. Mungkin ada yang perlu adjust.



Akhir sekali sebab gegaran adalah tayar. Jika getaran berlaku di kelajuan tertentu, mungkin tire BALANCING perlu dilakukan. Tayar yang haus tak seimbang, mungkin perlu tukar dari depan ke belakang dan sebaliknya. Jika tayar dah bengkak atau getah tayar dah mula merekah, sebaiknya ditukar terus.


Ini hanyalah garis panduan kasar, kesimpulannya, gegaran mungkin disebabkan engine tak berfungsi sempurna kerana spark plug, plug cable, air filter, fuel filter, komponen komponen di bahagian engine, atau kerana drive shaft/axle atau bahagian suspension sistem lain, atau rim ataupun tayar sendiri.


Tahukah anda, engine mounting yang bermasalah akan menghasilkan gegaran? Setiap gearbox boleh terima sentapan, tetapi TIDAK untuk GEGARAN... ini kerana komponen dalaman gearbox terlalu sensitif terutama sekali pada bearing, clutch dan seal dalaman. Gegaran boleh menyebabkan mekanisma pada komponen dalaman gearbox terganggu... ia boleh menghala pada kerosakan.

Macam mana nak tahu engine mounting masih elok atau bermasalah? Kami kongsikan pada anda beberapa tips untuk kenal pasti masalah mounting pada kereta anda. Hanya untuk GEARBOX AUTO sahaja...

Sebahagian mounting sahaja yang bermasalah:
  • hidupkan engine kereta
  • dari N, tekan break dan masuk gear D
  • kemudian cuba untuk gear R
  • anda akan ada rasa gegaran pada steering kereta untuk SALAH SATU GEAR sahaja... sama ada D atau R.
Keseluruhan mounting bermasalah:
  • hidupkan engine kereta
  • dari N, tekan break dan masuk gear D
  • kemudian cuba untuk gear R
  • gegaran pada steering berlaku pada KEDUA-DUA GEAR (D dan R)

Tindakan yang perlu anda lakukan:
  • pergi ke workshop, buat pemeriksaan pada engine mounting
  • mounting yang pecah perlu diganti dgn kadar segera
  • jika tidak diganti, gearbox kereta anda dalam keadaan berisiko.