Thursday, July 27, 2017

Funny stories -Mathematics vs. Logic

Mathematics vs. Logic

There are two beautiful girls. One of them thinks
Mathematics (M) and the other way of thinking using Logic (L).
They both walked home through a dark street, and the distance from home
They are still quite far away. After a while they walked, suddenly
They noticed someone was following them ...

M: You notice that no man is walking along
Have we been about thirty eight minutes ago? I'm worried
He meant evil.

L: That's Logical. I think he wants to rap us.

M: Oops, with our speed running like this, within 15 minutes
Minutes he will catch us. Well, what should we do ?.

L: There's only one logical way we have to do, which is to walk more

M: It does not help much, it's a macammana.

L: Definitely not helpful, It's logical if we run faster
He will also run faster.

M: So, what should we do? With our speed like this
He'll catch us in two minutes and a half more ...

L: There's only one logical step we have to do .. You go on the road
Left and I'm on the right path.

After the girls broke apart. It turned out that the man was following the steps
The girl who uses logical (L). Mathematical girl (M) arrived at home
First and he worries about the safety of his friends.

No matter how long the Logic Girl (L) comes.

M: Oh Thank God ya Allaaaaah .. My friend arrives safely, Eh come on
The story you got involved with this guy?

L: Yelah, After we parted he kept following me.

M: Yes .. yes .. But what happens then with you?

L: In my logic, I keep my heart and soul running
Run as hard as you can.

M: And ... and ..

L: As with logic, he managed to approach me in a dark place ...

M: Jadik .. What are you doing?

L: There is only one logic I can do, ie lifting the cloth
I was tall enough to look at the underwear.

M: Nope ... what's the man doing?

L: Compatible with logic ... He goes to the belt, zip and hang out
Her pants ...

M: Nope ... so what happened?

L: Logic is not, if the girl who raises her cloth is faster
From the man who ran while his pants were left, my big step,
But he's like the one who entered the game in the sack ... So finally
I missed that guy.

M: Ha ha ha ha It's logical.

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